

Aralia的教育專家們發現學生的學習表現與在線學習之間存在鴻溝,決定探索提供一種通過在線學習將傳統課程與個性化教學指導相結合的方式,Aralia Education就此誕生。

睿雅學院是學生的開放式線上課程平台。 我們透過小組和一對一線上課程,將美國在職教師與來自世界各地的學生聯結起來,睿雅導師致力於為學生的成長帶來最好的教育。

我們想讓世界各地的學生獲得最好的在線學習體驗。 每個學生都應該得到這樣的機會。 所有家長都有同等的機會選擇最適合自己孩子需求的課程。 我們將創新的思維,技術和優秀的老師相結合,創造出個性化的教育,充分發揮每個學生的才能。


Aralia的導師致力於學生的成功, 他們是來自美國知名中學的現任教師,和各大頂尖大學的教授和講師。


我們的導師在全美的高中和大學全職教學,他們在學術上十分了解學生的需求。 他們致力於提供以學生為中心的教育體驗,為每個學生提供最佳的教育資源。

除了定期課程,我們的老師還積極參與學生的學術和專業發展。 許多學生都收到了來自老師建議:從如何應對壓力到如何撰寫個人陳述等等。

每節課結束後,老師都將發送課程反饋:包括內容總結,作業分配和學生表現。 我們的老師會在課上和課外與學生保持持續溝通,以便更好地調整課程內容和時間安排。

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寄宿國高中: 布萊爾學院,卡迪根山中學,喬特羅斯瑪麗中學,康科德學院,克瑞布魯克中學,達娜豪爾女子高中,迪爾菲爾德學院,菲爾中學,喬治高中,格羅頓學校,肯特高中 ,摩爾西斯堡學院,米德爾塞克斯中學,米爾頓高中,波特女子高中,佩迪中學,菲利普斯學校安多佛,菲利普斯埃克塞特中學,瑞克特瑞中學,嵐基 昊學校,聖安德魯學院,聖馬克學校,比門特中學,菲斯登中學,伽文納中學,希爾中學,霍奇基斯中學,勞倫斯威爾高中,塔夫脫中學,韋伯中學等

阿卡迪亞高中 (加州)、萊剋星頓高中 (麻省)、牛頓北高中 (麻省)、韋斯頓高中 (麻省)、韋斯特福德學院 (麻省) 等

布蘭克森山霍爾學院,科林伍德學校,爾海高中,海福格爾學院,希爾菲爾德學院,瑞德里中學,聖安德魯學院,斯特羅恩中學,多倫多法語學校,胡桃林高中, 韋伯學院,西點格雷學院(溫哥華)等

伊頓公學(英國),哈羅公學(英國),黑利伯瑞學院(英國),北倫敦學院(英國),洛桑國際學校(瑞士),瑞士美國學校(瑞士),杜塞爾多夫國際學校 (德國),布達佩斯美國國際學校(匈牙利),維也納美國國際學校(奧地利)等

A.B. 帕特森學院,阿舍姆學校,詹姆士魯塞農業中學,潘赫斯特學校,威班克小學等

北京德威英國國際學校,北京新加坡國際學校,北京十一學校國際部,北京王府學校,北京世青國際學校,北京哈羅國際學校,北京鼎石國際學校,中國人民大學附屬中學,上海美國學校 ,上海中學國際部,上海閔行區民辦德閔學校,上海協和國際外籍子女國際學校,包玉剛實驗學校,上海市世界外國語中學,上海浦西德威國際學校,上海西華國際學校,南京外國語學校 ,深圳QSI國際學校,深圳瑞得福國際學校,深圳教育國際交流學院,深圳市高級中學、深圳國王學校等

香港美國國際學校,漢基國際學校,德瑞國際學校,哈羅香港國際學校,香港國際學校,蘇浙公學國際部,香港墨爾文國際學校,新加坡國際學校(香港),弘立書院中學 部,滬江維多利亞學校等




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Greg – President & Founder

Working in the education field, Greg found the majority of parents and students had significant concerns about how to increase competitiveness for school and college applications. Aralia aims to help students achieve their study goals and provide courses focused on both school academics and advanced learning while closing the gap between students’ in-class achievements and online learning.

Prior to founding Aralia, Greg worked as the Director of Operations at Ivy Talent Education, an education consulting firm. Before Ivy Talent, Greg was a computer hardware design engineer focused on Signal Integrity and Power Integrity at Oracle and Sun Microsystems for more than 10 years.

Greg holds an MBA from Northeastern University as well as Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Electrical Engineering from Tufts University. With his background in education, business, and engineering, Greg is devoted to the continual improvement and development of Aralia’s online platform.

Elaine Formal Photo

Elaine – Academic Consultant

Prior to her time at Aralia, Elaine was an Education Consultant at Ivy Talent Education, an independent education consulting firm based in Massachusetts. There she worked with students applying to private secondary schools. She worked with students on their application process and visited many of the top secondary schools in the US. Most of her students were admitted to top US secondary schools. Before that, she worked as a teaching assistant for standardized tests at well-known education companies in China.

Elaine holds a Master’s degree in Civil Engineering from Northeastern University and a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science. With her STEM background, Elaine is very knowledgeable about engineering, math, and science and provides specialty consulting to students looking to focus on their development in these areas.

Based on her background and her deep understanding of secondary school students’ needs, she helps students match with the best fit instructors, makes lesson plans, follows up about their learning progress, and helps students achieve their learning goals.

Connie – Academic Consultant

Connie has over five years of education industry experience as both an English teacher and course consultant for secondary school students. Prior to her time at Aralia, Connie was an academic course consultant and coordinator at an international education company in the US. Before that, she worked as a classroom teacher teaching the high school curriculum at well-known education institutions in China.

Based on her working experience with secondary school students from the US, Canada, and China, she is very familiar with high-school courses and understands those students’ characteristics very well. As such, she is able to accurately match tutors with students according to tutors’ teaching styles and students’ personalities.

Connie holds a Master’s degree in Project Management and Bachelor’s degree in Leadership, both from Northeastern University. With her educational background, Connie is committed to helping students achieve their study goals related to competitions, contests, advanced learning beyond the high school curriculum, extracurricular activities, as well as school academics.

Iris – Academic Consultant

Currently serving as a Senior Education Consultant for Aralia in the US; holds a Master’s degree in Educational Innovation and Technology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I have over 12 years of experience in the education sector in both the United States and China, including three years of English teaching and more than eight years of experience in U.S. college admissions. Previously worked as the Manager of the Study Abroad Education Product Center and Director of Operations at a Top 2 education institution in China.

Experienced in recommending suitable competitions for students of all age groups, adept at addressing academic management needs for international and U.S. middle and high school parents and students. Specializes in accurately matching students with the most suitable teachers, helping students achieve better competition results, rapidly improve school GPAs, and enhance language exam scores.

Passionate about the education industry, with a strong sense of responsibility and a high level of approachability, well-loved by parents and students.


Greg — 创始人 & 总裁


在创立睿雅学院之前,Greg曾担任教育咨询公司美国丽格教育的运营总监。在这之前,他曾在美国著名公司Oracle和Sun Microsystems担任了超过10年的计算机硬件设计工程师。



Elaine – 學術顧問

· 現任Aralia中國地區資深學術顧問;擁有美國東北大學工程碩士學位,擁有5年以上的教育行業經驗,曾在美國知名教育諮詢公司擔任美高申請顧問,熟悉美高申請流程,在美國實地訪問過多所頂尖初高中;

· 熟悉美國高中課程體系,擅長根據導師特點和學生需求來幫助學生匹配合適的老師,並提供個性化的學習和提升方案;

· 極具責任心和親和力,致力於幫助學生完成學習目標和提升學生的綜合能力,深得家長信任。

Connie – 學術顧問

· 現任Aralia北美地區資深學術顧問;擁有美國東北大學項目管理碩士學位和領導力學士學位,在美國和中國擁有7年以上的教育行業經驗,曾任中國頭部教育機構英語教師;

· 熟悉美國高中體系和課程,擅長根據導師的教學風格和學生的性格特點,實現精準師生匹配;

· 極具親和力,責任心極強,以孩子的學業進步和學習目標為工作導向,贏得了家長和學生的信任。

Iris – 學術顧問


