Academic Tips

An In-Depth Look at American High School History Curriculum

An In-Depth Look at American High School History Curriculum

History is a cornerstone and integral part of the curriculum of high school education in the United States. This comprehensive overview delves into what students typically learn in history classes from grades 5 to 12, explores recommended course selections, examines college application requirements related to history, and identifies commonly used textbooks in American high school history curriculum.

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Tips to Succeed in Middle School in Preparation for High School

Tips to Succeed in Middle School in Preparation for High School

Middle school is one of the most formative in every student’s academic and personal journey. Students will begin to discover their interests while gaining a deeper understanding of the world around them and their own role in it. Many parents have asked us, “Do middle school grades matter in high school and college?” Let’s dive deeper into the tips to succeed in middle school.

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How to Get a 4.0 GPA in High School

How to Get a 4.0 GPA in High School

Getting a 4.0 GPA in high school is the goal that many students aim for. However, this isn’t always a simple and straightforward task. Therefore, there are some strategies that can help students approach their learning and reach their GPA goals. By creating a good plan, students will gain valuable skills to engage with learning and structure their time effectively now and in their future. In this blog post, we’ll cover some tips and tricks that will help you get that perfect GPA score! We’ll walk you through setting up a study plan, staying organized, and managing your time. We’ll also discuss using resources such as tutoring and online courses to your advantage. Finally, we’ll provide some advice on staying motivated so that you can reach your goal.

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Select High School Classes for Ivy League

Select High School Classes for Ivy League

Ivy League schools are the dream for countless students around the world, considering their prestigiousness, highly-valued education curriculum, and career outlooks after graduation. Students aiming for the Ivy League have to prepare ahead starting in high school to put their best foot forward academically. In terms of academics, which high school classes should you take that can earn you a chance at a school in the Ivy League, and what classes do Ivy League schools require?

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PSAT to SAT Score Conversion

PSAT to SAT Score Conversion

The SAT is an essential examination for students applying for college admission, even though many colleges have made it optional. For many students, the PSAT is an excellent way to practice before the SAT, since the two tests share many similarities. To help students better prepare and feel confident before the SAT, PSAT to SAT score conversion can help you estimate your score for the SAT if your performance remains consistent.

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AP United States History and AP World History: What Course Should I Choose?

AP United States History and AP World History: What Course Should I Choose?

As the Advanced Placement tests get closer, students are constantly prioritizing and choosing which set of AP courses and exams they should take. For students who are interested in history, choosing between whether to study AP United States History (APUSH) or AP World History is an important question. In this blog, we cover key differences between these Advanced Placement courses to make sure you understand the ins and outs of both APUSH and AP World History.

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10 Volunteer Opportunities for High School Students

10 Volunteer Opportunities for High School Students

For high school students, volunteering is a great way to make a positive impact while participating in activities tailored to their interests. Whether you’re passionate about science, humanities, technology, social justice, animal welfare, or the arts, there’s a perfect opportunity waiting for you! Read below to learn more about ideal volunteer opportunities for high school students and gain valuable skills for their future endeavors!

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Spring Semester

12 Spring Semester Tips for High School Students

As a high school student, each spring semester is the most critical time of year for mapping your future. The decisions you make during course registration and selecting extracurricular activities can significantly influence the following school years. Spring semester has just begun, so what should you prepare yourself academically and professionally for a successful future?

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How Hard Are International Baccalaureate subjects?

How Hard Are International Baccalaureate Subjects?

For high school students, course selection is an important piece of planning for the future. In addition, choosing whether or not to participate in a higher level program like International Baccalaureate can be a difficult decision, especially when faced with such diverse and complex options for classes and curricula. Many students wonder how to balance their schedules between more challenging International Baccalaureate subjects, and those that are a bit less demanding. In order to help you make choices that will be the best for you and your future goals, we’ll consider the latest (May 2023) exam data released by the International Baccalaureate to gauge the difficulty levels of IB courses.

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