World Individual Debating and Public Speaking Championships

The World Individual Debating and Public Speaking Championships is an annual international English language debating and public speaking tournament for individual high school-level students representing different countries.

Competition Details

Introduction: The World Individual Debating and Public Speaking Championship is an annual international English language debating and public speaking tournament for individual high school-level students representing different countries. The competition attracts students from counties like Australia, Hong Kong, Canada, the U.S., England, South Africa, Lithuania, Pakistan, Cyprus, Argentina, Botswana, Israel, India, South Korea, Zimbabwe, and Germany. Each participant must compete in four distinct events: Debate, Impromptu Speaking, Persuasive or After Dinner Speaking, and Interpretive Reading.

Competition Format: There are four different events within the championship: Debate, Impromptu Speaking, Persuasive or After Dinner Speaking, and Interpretive Reading. Students must register for all categories and be marked for individual performance throughout the championship.  

Competition Website and a list of other debate competitions


Students who are currently enrolled in an accredited high school around the world

Competition Date

April 14-20, 2024

Our Teaching Methods

1:1 personalized curriculum

After registration, your assigned teacher and course consultant will go over course expectations, personal goals, and course plans.

Expert teachers

Aralia's instructors are teachers from top-ranking high schools and colleges across the United States. They will help you cultivate the skills and knowledge needed for college and future career

Your success

With the combination of personalized curriculum and years of teaching experience, you are set to achieve your personal and professional success

Students who previously took the class:

Throughout the years, our students have successfully gained admission or are currently attending top-ranking secondary and high schools around the world: America, Australia, Canada, China, and more:

  • Cardigan Mountain School
  • Choate Rosemary Hall
  • Concord Academy
  • Groton School
Improving your application competitiveness, today.
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