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Which AP Exams Are Easiest for Scoring High?
Identifying which AP exams have higher scoring rates can help students select courses that align with their strengths. This article explores data from the 2024 AP exams, comparing it with data from 2021 to 2023, to highlight trends in the percentage of 4s and 5s for each subject. While this data provides insights into relative exam difficulty, it’s essential to note that high scoring rates alone don’t necessarily mean a course is easy, as other factors, like the learning curve, play a role in determining a subject’s difficulty.
Important Note on Score Interpretation
While the rates of achieving scores of 4 and 5 on AP exams are crucial indicators, they should not be the sole basis for judging the difficulty of a subject. Some subjects may have high scores but could involve a simpler learning curve. Conversely, a subject may appear easy but present significant challenges during the exam.
AP English Exams
Both AP English Language and AP English Literature are popular exams, and analyzing their score distribution data provides valuable insights into each exam’s difficulty.

Below is a comparison of the percentages of 4s and 5s for the AP English exams over the past four years:

As seen above, the 2024 AP English Literature exam boasted a percentage of 4s and 5s being 41%, surpassing that of the AP English Language exam. The trends over the last four years indicate:
- AP English Literature experienced significant fluctuations between 2021 and 2022, but has stabilized around 40% in recent years, suggesting a potential decrease in difficulty.
- The AP English Language exam shows a stable percentage of 4s and 5s, indicating consistent difficulty and competition levels.
AP Math and Computer Science
The score distribution data for AP Math and Computer Science in 2024 is as follows:

Below is a comparison of the percentages of 4s and 5s for the AP Math and Computer Science exams over the past four years:

In 2024, AP Calculus BC had the highest score rate at 69%, while AP Computer Science Principles had the lowest at 31%. The overall trends indicate:
The percentage of 4s and 5s for AP Calculus AB and BC have significantly improved in recent years, suggesting better student mastery in math subjects.
- AP Computer Science A and AP Statistics have maintained a stable percentage of 4s and 5s, reflecting consistent difficulty and student performance.
- The decline in AP Computer Science Principles’ percentage of high scores in 2024 warrants an investigation into potential changes in exam content or preparation methods.
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AP Science
The score distribution data for AP Science in 2024 is summarized as follows:

Below is the comparison table for the percentage of 4s and 5s for AP Science exams over the past four years:

In 2024, AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism had the highest percentage of 4s and 5s at 57%, while AP Physics 1 had the lowest at 28%. Observing the trends:
- AP Physics C: Mechanics and AP Chemistry have shown noticeable improvements in their score rates, while AP Biology and AP Physics 2 are gradually increasing.
- AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism and AP Environmental Science have maintained stable score rates, while AP Physics 1, despite a yearly increase, still shows lower rates.
AP History and Social Sciences
The score distribution data for AP History and Social Sciences in 2024 is as follows:

The percentage of 4s and 5s from 2021 to 2024 is shown below:

In 2024, AP U.S. Government and Politics achieved the highest percentage of 4s and 5s at 49%, while AP Macroeconomics recorded the lowest at 41%. Overall trends show:
- Significant improvements in the score rates of AP U.S. Government & Politics and AP U.S. History, with AP Microeconomics, AP European History, AP World History, and AP Human Geography showing consistent upward trends.
- AP Psychology and AP Macroeconomics have demonstrated steady increases, indicating better student performance in these subjects.
- AP Comparative Government and Politics has shown a relatively stable percentage of 4s and 5s.
AP World Languages and Cultures
The score distribution data for AP World Languages and Culture in 2024 is as follows:

The percentage of 4s and 5s from 2021 to 2024 is shown below:

AP Capstone
The percentage of 4s and 5s for AP Capstone courses over the past four years has shown minimal fluctuations.

World Languages and AP Capstone courses have shown minimal score distribution fluctuations, with stable performance trends. The relatively steady rates may reflect consistent preparation levels and curriculum stability.
We hope this analysis of 2024 AP score distribution data, along with historical trends, offers students and parents helpful guidance in navigating AP course options. For further details on each subject, refer to the official College Board website. Remember that while these score distributions are informative, they represent just one facet of a subject’s overall difficulty.
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