The Betty Award

The Betty Award Writing Competition is specifically designed for children between the ages of 8 and 12, with the aim of fostering their passion for writing and nurturing their imagination and creativity.
Interested in the competition?
The Betty Award

Competition Overview

8-12 years old
Entry fee
May 17, 2025
Submission deadline

Competition Details

1. Eligibility
The contest is open to children worldwide from ages 8 to 12.

2. Competition Timeline
There are two competitions each year; one in the spring, and another in the autumn.

3. Prizes

  • 1st place: US$300 bonus
  • 2nd place: $200 bonus
  • 3rd place: $100 bonus
  • In addition, based on the awards in previous years, if the quality of the entries is excellent, the competition will also add an “Honorable Mention Award” to encourage the contestants.

Submission Details

Submission Deadline: May 17, 2025.

1. Word Limit

Maximum story length is 1000 words. The story must be in English. 

2. Submission Type

Entries can be fiction, non-fiction, or poems. Students can choose any topic to write about as long as it’s age-appropriate. 

3. Written Reflection

In this essay, contestants are invited to showcase their creativity through unpublished, original works, which can be fiction, non-fiction, or poetry. Each contestant can submit more than one work.

4. Reading Fee

$20 US reading fee per story

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