Signature Courses

Taking our exclusive signature courses to express your profound interest in subjects and prove your potential for success with future admission officers

English Reading and Writing Aralia Education

English Reading and Writing Intermediate

This course is designed for students who have already mastered the fundamentals of literature and writing. Through discussions, writing assignments, and close readings of a variety of literary works, students will deepen their understanding of literary analysis, develop their writing skills, and explore the historical and cultural contexts of literature. Students will reflect on what they are reading through discussion in class, with their teacher and peers, and writing in biweekly assignments.

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English Reading and Writing Aralia Education

English Reading and Writing For Beginner

This course is perfect for students who are just starting to learn English or looking to improve their reading and writing skills. Through foundational literary elements, such as narrative, plot, and diction, and engaging discussions and writing assignments, students will learn how to analyze and evaluate literary works, develop their writing skills, and gain a better understanding of the power and impact of literature. Students will reflect on what they are reading through discussion in class, with their teacher and peers, and writing in biweekly assignments.

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U.S. Government, Politics, Business and Contemporary Events Aralia Education

U.S. Gov, Politics, Business, and Events

Students will learn important terminology and concepts and how these apply to the political process in the U.S. Students will learn basics about the U.S. Constitution, the relationship between the national government and the state governments; the three branches of the national government; the role of political parties, the media, and big business/corporations; lobbying, the role of money in politics, especially in electoral campaigns.

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Public Speaking and Debate Aralia Education

Public Speaking and Debate

This Public Speaking and Debate class will offer the opportunity to speak and listen to others talk only as much as possible. We will alternate between learning the structure of different types of speeches and making presentations by one student to the rest of the class. After each speech by students, we will have a critique from the peers, and the teacher. They will also be required and coached on how to participate in the discussion and to critique their peers.

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International Relations Aralia Education

International Relations

This course is a survey of a wide range of topics in international relations. The course will cover several widely used theories that explain recurring patterns in international relations, including Liberalism, Realism, Marxism, and Constructivism. The course will introduce institutions that have been pillars of the world order since World War II, such as the United Nations, the Bretton Woods monetary system, and the world trading system.

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Historical Research and Writing Aralia Education

Historical Research and Writing

Through Historical Research and Writing, students will learn about choosing a topic, composing research questions, effective research methods, drafting, composing, and revising. These skills will be taught with an emphasis on historical research, allowing students to engage in analysis of primary and secondary sources, discover interesting insights in history, and partake in the active pursuit of understanding the importance of the historical study.

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Art Portfolio Preparation Program

Art Portfolio Preparation Program

During this intensive portfolio preparation online course students will carry out a series of drawing, design and three-dimensional projects that will promote creative investigation, experimentation with materials, risk-taking and critical dialogue. These creative practices will serve to engage students in a foundational experience, to develop intellectual and practical skills and elicit the confidence necessary
to do so

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