National Personal Finance Challenge
The National Personal Finance Challenge is a competitive event designed to test high school student's knowledge and skills in personal finance. The challenge consists of online tests and a live, in-person competition.
Interested in the competition?

Competition Overview
High school students
Entry fee
Varies depending on the state
State Competition
June 1 to 2, 2025 in Atlanta, GA
Competition Date
Competition Details
1. Competition Format
The Council runs state-level competitions, then state champion will represent the state at the National Finals Challenge level. The top-scoring teams will advance to the in-person National Finals, taking place from June 1 to 2, 2025 in Atlanta, GA
2. Eligibility
The team is comprised of 3 or 4 students. Students must be from the same public school, private school, community organization or club, or afterschool program. The state championship team may reconstitute the members of its team prior to registering for Nationals. At least two original team members must participate in the National competition.
3. National Competition Format
The National Finals will be held in person. The Finals will be a case study presentation where teams will be given a fictitious family scenario. The top 16 teams will move on to the quiz bowl rounds, where teams participate in an oral Quiz Bowl covering topics in personal finance.
4. Quiz Bowl
Groups of four teams will compete in an oral quiz covering personal finance topics. In the Round of 16, all teams start with zero points, answering 15 questions. The top-scoring team from each group advances to the Final Round, which consists of 20 questions. Each team selects a spokesperson to write answers on a whiteboard after 20 seconds of discussion. Once the answer is written and the board is placed face-down, it cannot be changed. After the time is up, spokespersons reveal and read their answers aloud, with the written answer being final in case of discrepancies.
5. Prizes
The top 4 teams will receive a banner with cash prizes ($2,000 for first place, $1,000 for second place, $500 for third place, and $250 for fourth place)