Introduction: International Brain Bee was founded by Dr. Norbert Myslinski with a mission to build better brains to fight brain disorders. Since its inception, the International Brain Bee has inspired thousands of students to study and pursue careers in neuroscience. The International Brain Bee promotes student engagement with neuroscience through a three-tiered competition: students start by signing up for a Local Brain Bee, the winners of which compete in their country’s National Brain Bee. National Brain Bees annually send one representative to compete at the International Brain Bee world championship.
2024 Championship: The 2024 IBB World Championship will be held virtually, in conjunction with the American Psychological (APA) Convention 2024 in Chicago, Illinois on October 5-9. Eligible National Brain Bee Champions from across the globe will come together for an exciting competition and social program. Please check back for additional information and exact dates.
Competition Level: Local, National, International
Competition Section: Upon arrival at the competition, student participants will receive extended and updated rules for each competition section: Neuroanatomy, Diagnosis, Live Q&A, Written, Histology
Competition Website: See overall information about the organization and the competition. For other competitions, go to Aralia’s Competition List.
Individuals must be between 14 and 18 years of age at the time of the competition.
Submission deadline