College Application

Top 8 US Universities for Computer Science: A Must-Read for STEM Enthusiasts!

Top 8 US Universities for Computer Science: A Must-Read for STEM Enthusiasts!

Choosing the right university for a computer science major can be a game-changer for your future career, especially in the rapidly growing tech industry. With a high demand for skilled professionals and impressive salary prospects, Computer Science (CS) has become one of the most popular and sought-after majors in the United States. This article introduces eight top-tier US universities for computer science. Let’s explore what makes these universities stand out and how they can set you on the path to success!

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New Ivies, Hidden Ivies, Black Ivies, Seven Sisters - Terms Explained

New Ivies, Hidden Ivies, Black Ivies, Jesuit Ivy, Seven Sisters – Terms Explained (Part 2)

Are you considering applying to a top-tier college or university? Do you know the differences between New Ivies, Hidden Ivies, Black Ivies, Jesuit Ivies and Seven Sisters? Our comprehensive guide explains the history and characteristics of each category, providing valuable insights into the top colleges in each group, their admission requirements, and what benefits they offer their students. Whether you’re a high school student exploring your options or a parent helping your child navigate the college application process, our expert insights and comprehensive information will help you make informed decisions about your education. Discover the best colleges and universities for you, and achieve your academic goals!

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Public Ivies, Ivy Plus, Little Ivies

Public Ivies, Ivy Plus, Little Ivies – Terms Explained

When you begin researching colleges, you may come across the terms Public Ivies, Ivy Plus, and Little Ivies, which may be confusing if you’re unsure of the differences. The term Ivy League has most often been used to refer to the eight most prestigious and influential universities in the US. However, the United States has 5,300 colleges and universities, each with its own unique expertise and traditions. It can be hard to keep track of the vast amount of terminology used to describe different schools and figure out the meaning behind each phrase. In this blog post, we will focus on these three terms and what they mean for potential college students. Whether you’re a high school student researching your options or an adult looking to start their higher education journey, understanding these terms is essential in finding the perfect school that fits all your needs.

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What are Big Ten Universities?

What are Big Ten Universities?

Big Ten Universities’ is a term that has been going around for a while, but there is actually much more to this term than meets the eye. Despite being known as the ‘Big Ten’, this is actually a group of 14 American universities that have come together to form an athletic conference. These institutions provide world-class education in a variety of disciplines, including business, engineering, medicine, and more. In addition to their outstanding academic programs, they also boast impressive research activities and faculty members with world-renowned expertise. This blog will discuss what these universities offer to students and why they are considered among the top choices for higher education.

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Safety School, Reach School, and Dream School

Safety School, Reach School, and Dream School

When you’re researching universities and applying to college, the terms “safety school”, “reach school”, and “dream school” are often thrown around. But what do they mean exactly? In this blog post, we’ll look at the differences between these three types of schools, as well as how to use them strategically when creating your college list. We’ll also give some tips for making sure you have the best chances at getting into each of them.

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Select High School Classes for Ivy League

Select High School Classes for Ivy League

Ivy League schools are the dream for countless students around the world, considering their prestigiousness, highly-valued education curriculum, and career outlooks after graduation. Students aiming for the Ivy League have to prepare ahead starting in high school to put their best foot forward academically. In terms of academics, which high school classes should you take that can earn you a chance at a school in the Ivy League, and what classes do Ivy League schools require?

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How to Prepare for a Journalism Career During High School

How to Prepare for a Journalism Career During High School

Imagine that you are out in the street, following a group of protestors and interviewing them with a recorder in hand. You are in the Amazonian rainforest, documenting the fantastic wildlife for the National Geographic magazine. You are in a television studio, ready to deliver breaking news to the public. If any of the above sounds alluring, journalism might just be the right job for you! For any high schoolers aspiring to become journalists, this article will help you explore related professions and prepare for a journalism career.

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High School Senior Year for College Admission

High School Senior Year for College Admission

As senior year draws closer, many students ask us whether their grades, performance, and involvement during their final year of high school really matter, since Early Admissions college applications are due before the end of the first semester, and all applications are due before the end of the year. Their thought process is that colleges will have made their decisions before any formal reports about their academic performance are released by their high school. So, does your performance during senior year still affect your admissions chances? Should you take it easy before college? Read this article to learn more about the true importance of the last year.

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Preparing for Psychology Major in High School

Preparing for Psychology Major in High School

Are you looking to pursue a career in psychology? Then preparing early on in high school is essential in order to ensure that you are adequately prepared and ready to excel when it comes time to look into colleges and universities. Developing an interest in psychology early on can open up many opportunities, such as internships or scholarships. In this blog, we’ll discuss ways that students can begin their preparation for a psychology major before attending college.

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ow to Create a Blog for College Admission

How to Create a Blog for College Admission

High school students have a wide variety of options for extracurricular activities. Some students participate in the leadership positions in different student organizations; others compete in academic competitions, all for the purpose of enriching their high school experience and engaging with their passions. However, not every student is interested in traditional extracurricular activities. Some students may gain more from the self-reflection and expression of their talents provided by the written word. For those students, blogging can be a great way to channel their energy through words, while also benefiting them in the college application process. Keep reading to learn how to create a blog for college admission!

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